People who learn English have the goal to master English speaking. It is very important because people can be judged whether they are mastering English or not by their ability when they speak. Learning how to speak fluent, confident, and natural English is an achievable goal. Every English learner is different, but there are a number of easy ways to improve in a reasonably short period of time. Here are several learning tips that can help you build your confidence in speaking English:

  1. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes
  2. Listen to the song to get used to it with English words
  3. Watch the movie to improve vocabulary
  4. Never be ashamed of practicing with friends
  5. Find a friend to practice it
  6. Practice it by yourself in the bathroom or bedroom if you have no friends
  7. Don’t be afraid of making a mistake
  8. Learn and study phrase
  9. Don’t study grammar too much
  10. Learn from everyone
  11. Read the book to enrich vocabulary
  12. Practice your speaking to native or tourist
  13. Have a debate to yourself
  14. Learn English every day
  15. Speak slowly if you are still a beginner
  16. Study correct material
  17. Be realistic about your English learning goals
  18. Use simple sentence at first
  19. Learn from your extra
  20. Make an effort to improve your pronunciation
  21. Try saying something extra

As with every difficult task, the key to speaking English with confidence is to practice, practice, and practice some more. Be consistent in your language journey and make sure to set aside some time every day to speak English.

And because we do not speak English since childhood as a native speaker, you can speak English with your accent. Indian people don’t speak a native accent like England or the united state but they speak with their own accents. one of the main goals is they can recognize what we said not like speak like native fluently. good luck !

SMK BINA NUSANTARA SEMARANG adalah sekolah menenengah kejuruan yang berdiri pada tanggal 18 mei 2010 dibawah Yayasan Bina Nusantara

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