Social media is an online media, where all of people can interact, share, and participate each other. Nowadays, Social media used by most people are Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Those platforms have a lot of functions. For instance, they can be took advantage for marketing product, sharing information, and communicating with friends. In fact, people tend to create social media account for communicating with another one.

In addition, People on social media or commonly known as netizens often cannot be wise on using social media. They do something inappropriate like mocking, harassing, sharing sexual content, and etc. Not a few netizens get involved in a dispute especially in comment section. Moreover, there are many fake accounts in social media to share fake news.

Additionally, when netizens post the picture and a caption, they are not expressing their self in a good way. Sometimes they criticize the government policy, and it can make others get triggered. As can be seen, they get in fight in comment section because of different opinion. This fact is only a small example around us where people mock another people if when they don’t think the same thing.

In other words, social media is always connected with students. They are a teenagers and they want to express their self through online media. For instance, they sometimes post their personal picture or write in the post about their personal problem. They don’t know the impact, so they must be educated how to use social media wisely.

As a result, millennial should be aware of contemporary technology. Especially for students, teacher should give the information to the students about benefit on using social media. Therefore, teacher can also make social media as learning material. So, the students can understand that social media is not only for communicating with other people, but also can be learning media.

SMK BINA NUSANTARA SEMARANG adalah sekolah menenengah kejuruan yang berdiri pada tanggal 18 mei 2010 dibawah Yayasan Bina Nusantara

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